Unchained Malady
19 - 28 APRIL 2024
12:00-18:30 (Sunday, 12:00-17:30) *Closed on Tue&Wed

KOMIYAMA TOKYO G is thrilled to announce “Unchained Malady,” the solo exhibition by Cali Dewitt, an artist and one of the fetish book collector from the KOMIYAMA Bookstore.
Opening April 19, 2024, the exhibition will feature his new body of fetish graphic works on canvas.

Cali Dewitt from LA hardcore scene at the dawn of the modern primitive* era has been stimulating amusing and profound reality of personal and cultural history through DIY graphics over decades.

The striking works on view are emerged from the challenge to "pure freedom" without dressing it up, presenting “bare and raw”excitement directly interspersed with sensuous words along with the motif of rubber mask.
A combination of love perversion and the fearlessness to truly be yourself, juxtaposed against the limp silliness of California (and beyond) wellness culture where craves the clean answers to life and longs for "real life" to begin overnight.

Please enjoy the thrilling pleasure that radiates infinitely.

*Modern Primitives: A culture that reaffirms the physical body through tattoos and body piercings, and pursues its own originality. It originated in LA as a counterculture in the tech-savvy era after the end of the Cold War.
On this occasion, Komiyama Bookstore will hold an exhibition entitled "Modern Primitives" on the 3rd mezzanine floor.
Back issues of "BURST" from the 90’s Japan, photo-books by Charles Gatewood, vintage porno-film posters collected by Cali will be on the show.

Cali Dewitt is an artist based in Los Angeles, US. Not only founder of the independent record label “Teenage Teardrops,” his works ranges from producing music videos, zines, merchandise and apparel. Often by mixing the word plays and visual image that implicates the social stair, his designs are focused in the direct communication with the personal enjoyment and life-size portraits of things surrounding him.
In 2021, he established the fashion brand "Saint Mxxxxxxxx" with Yuta Hosokawa, the founder of Readymade. With a borderless expression, Cali’s perspective and focus are ever shifting.

KOMIYAMA TOKYO Gでは、アーティストCali Dewittの個展「Unchained Malady」を開催いたします。
小宮山書店・フェティッシュコーナーのコレクターでもあるCali Dewittが、ラバーマスクのモチーフとともに、興奮を掻き立てる新体系のグラフィックシリーズを発表。

モダン・プリミティブ*黎明期のLAハードコアシーンを立脚点に、長年言葉を主体とした表現を続けるCali Dewitt。




90年代「BURST」のバックナンバーをはじめ、写真家・Charles Gatewood氏の書籍のほか、Cali DewittがLAで集めたヴィンテージポルノ映画ポスターなどを展示・販売いたします。 併せてお楽しみくださいませ。

Cali Dewitt:
米国・LA在住のアーティスト。LAのアンダーグラウンドカルチャーを背景に、音楽レーベルからグラフィック、ZINE、アパレル等を展開。IceageやLust For Youthといったインディーズバンドからラッパー・Kanye Westのマーチャンタイズまで幅広く作品を手掛ける。2021年からは、Readymadeの創設者・細川雄太氏とともにファッションブランド「Saint Mxxxxxx」を設立。一通りでは語れないボーダーレスな表現で、自身のリアリティを持った気鋭な表現を続ける。