Monday to Saturday 12:00-18:30 Sunday and National Holiday 12:00-17:30
KOMIYAMA TOKYO G is pleased to announce the new solo exhibition “Untitled III” by KENSEI YABUNO. This marks the third installment of the exhibition, following last year’s show. In this exhibition, YABUNO will present 13 three-dimensional works, which are adorned in fluorescent colors that he describes as “EMERGENCY” Additionally, two series of drawings on canvas, along with 6 drawings that further expand his interpretation of color, will be unveiled.
KENSEI YABUNO began his artistic career in the 2000s. In his early works, he used a sewing machine to create images on fabric, and since then, he has continued to explore various materials, including drawing, painting, and sculpture. Following his MOSS-colored works presented last year, YABUNO speaks of his three-dimensional works painted in fluorescent colors in this exhibition, describing them as “a creature sending out an SOS on a deserted island” and “an object born from the scene evoked by an insect that suddenly appeared before me.” On round canvases, he creates “a composition of dreams floating in black water,” while on vertical canvases, he “composes disconnected, fragmented elements.”
YABUNO, who has long resisted verbalizing his work, shares, “While wandering through thoughts where opposites intersect, I have confronted my own underdeveloped and childish aspects. Through this process, I feel that unexpected realizations have once again come to me.” In conjunction with the exhibition, a book titled “Discharge”, which includes works from 2018 onwards, will also be released. We invite you to enjoy both the exhibition “Untitled III” and the book.
Information on the publication of the collection of works
The first edition limited 100 copies will be sold as a set of one drawing work for each book.
We hope you can enjoy it with the works included in the collection of works.
First edition of limited 100 copies
Hard cover, Cloth.
Each copy comes with a unique hand drawing.
Price: ¥35,000 +tax
この度、KOMIYAMA TOKYO GはKENSEI YABUNOの新作個展『Untitled III』を開催いたします。
昨年に続き、3回目となる本展では、YABUNO が“EMERGENCY”と形容する、フルオレッセンス・カラーを纏った立体作品13点に加え、キャンバスに描かれた2シリーズの連作ドローイング、色彩の解釈をより拡げたドローイング6点を発表します。
2000年代から作家活動をスタートし、初期作品では布にミシンで絵を、そしてドローイング、ペインティング、スカルプチャーと、さまざまな素材を扱い、表現を続けてきたKENSEI YABUNO。昨年の“MOSS”に続き、本展ではフルオレッセンス・カラーに着色された立体作品について「孤島でSOSをだしているUMA。ふと目の前に現れた虫に対して抱く情景から生まれた産物」と話します。丸みを帯びたキャンバスに描かれるのは「黒い水に浮かんだ、夢に対するコンポジション」。そして縦長のキャンバスには「つながりのない断片的な要素をコンポーズしました」。自身の作品が言語化されることに対して背いてきたKENSEI YABUNO。「真逆のものが交差する思考を彷徨う中、自分の未発達な部分、幼稚性とさらに向き合うことで、自分でも期待していない気づきがまた舞い降りてきたように思います」。
本展の開催に合わせ、2018年からの作品を収録した作品集『Discharge』も発売いたします。本展『Untitled Ⅲ』と合わせて、ぜひご高覧ください。
Kensei Yabuno ‘Discharge’/2024
初版限定100部 ハードカバー 布装
35,000円 +tax